A series produced and written over several long years created by me

The Man on the Moon (TMOTM) has been a very lengthy project that I've been working on for several years. Since I started creating content, I've always wanted to get better while I work. TMOTM was originally created on my phone while I only had a little bit of ambition, bored with the current work I was doing, which was mostly poorly drawn phone art and garageband projects. Over time I developed and honed my skills, and upgraded software. I am now using industry level softwares and settling into a more comfortable standard of work. I hope you'll join me as I succeed and grow, spreading through all sorts of areas of the internet.

The main work produced by me in this series began with the original (and titular) Short film The Man on the Moon about a woman who enters a house in the woods and ends up on the moon. After that, I followed up with another short, Liar Trees which is a delve into the analog horror genre, again not well done. Shelter was the turning point for my work, I learned dozens of new skills, new programs (including Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, and Blender 3D to name a few), to create my best work as of writing. I've since made a Website and DVD to go with the film that adds more to the story, and gives interactible elements for viewers to enjoy and solve.

Violet Mirrors/Chess are my music projects I've been working on since 2018. Though my music work has been going on for much longer, it's mostly rooted in a childhood fascination of sound design and movies. I love the big scraping soundscapes of ambient music, it's theraputic and I've since learned ambient music and made soundtracks for my own projects and several themes and scores for miscellaneous series on the internet.

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